Course Schedule

Time to Complete

Typically completed in 6-10 weeks.


Class 1 Printable

Class 2 Printable

Course Description

Let your child's creativity shine in our exciting writing course for 1st-3rd graders! Join us for an adventure focused on creative writing with elements of improvisation and an introduction to AI art tools. Students will learn the art of storytelling, improve their quick thinking skills through fun games, and explore the wonders of AI to create amazing artwork. This course is a fantastic opportunity for young minds to unleash their imagination, express themselves creatively, and discover new ways to bring their ideas to life.

Meet The Instructor

Introducing Haley, the creative writing professional who has captivated aspiring writers for over ten years! Her work has reached over 40 million viewers globally as a writer, actor, and producer of hundreds of stories. Haley's knack for turning education into an exhilarating adventure sparks curiosity in every student. Prepare to be enchanted as she unveils the magic of words, inspiring a new generation of storytellers.

Skills Covered

  • Introducing the character (who), conflict (what), and ‘where’ as the essential building blocks of any story, Communicate concepts and work through a series of steps to bring them to life

  • Introducing the character (who), conflict (what), and setting (where) as the essential building blocks of any story.

  • In this course, students will develop essential grammar skills. They will learn about adjectives, verbs, and nouns—the building blocks of sentences. Through interactive activities and engaging exercises, they will practice using adjectives to describe, verbs to show action, and nouns to identify people, animals, objects, and places. By the end of the course, students will have a solid foundation in basic grammar, enabling them to construct clear and effective sentences.

  • Through various interactive exercises and games, students will learn to think on their feet, make quick decisions, and express their ideas spontaneously. This class will foster their confidence, imagination, and ability to adapt, allowing them to embrace and enjoy the art of improvisation.

  • Students will learn how to bring their ideas to life by leveraging the power of artificial intelligence. Students will develop the skills to visualize their imaginative concepts using cutting-edge AI tools as a team. This course will empower students to unleash their creativity and merge technology with artistry.

Course Structure & Booking

The course is structured so that young learners attend the initial class to become acquainted with how a story is constructed. Following this introduction, they can participate in as many workshop sessions as they wish. During workshops, students will be introduced to new challenges and scenarios in each class.


Classes In This Course


Creative Writing Intro: Building a Story

In this fun and interactive class, students will learn how to create exciting stories by understanding story structure, developing interesting characters, and bringing their imagination to life through words, performance, and art. Students will be equipped with the basic tools needed to participate in the advanced workshop classes.


Creative Writing Workshop (Repeat Unlimited Times)

During these workshops, students work with an experienced writing instructor and other students to create a full story together. Thanks to our AI art tools, the story will come to life during class as the teacher demonstrates how to create concept art from students’ ideas. After class, students will receive an email with a link to the story and illustrations created during class.

Course Pricing & Packages


Have questions? Hit the chat button in the bottom right corner and ask away!

Schedule This Course

Below are the class times for each class in this course. Schedule all/part of the course ahead of time or schedule it on the fly.