Ask Tappity: Science Questions for Kids > Would a T-Rex Win a Fight Against a Brontosaurus?

Would a T-Rex Win a Fight Against a Brontosaurus?

We’ve all wondered it - who would win a fight between a T-Rex and a Brontosaurus? Watch this video to find out, or read our explanation below!


Brontosauruses Were Really Big

Brontosauruses’ main advantage over would-be predators was their size. They were big—REALLY big. A brontosaurus could weigh up to 38,000 pounds, over 3 times the weight of a T-Rex. A T-Rex fighting a Brontosaurus would be a little bit like a lion fighting an elephant. Most of the time, its huge size was enough to make predators look for easier, smaller prey.


T-Rexes Had Super Powerful Bites

The T-Rex probably had the strongest bite of any land animal that ever existed. It could bite with a force of 12,800 lbs., which is about as much as it weighs. A T-Rex’s bite was so strong it could have crushed a car! Even for such a large predator, the T-Rex had a massive, super-strong jaw. Yet even so, it would have had a tough time taking down the weighty Brontosaurus. Predators like the T-Rex may have hunted giant sauropods like the Brontosaurus in packs, if they hunted them at all.

t-rex skull

So Who Would Win?

It’s impossible to say definitively who would have won between these two dinosaur giants. For one thing, they didn’t live at the same time—the Brontosaurus went extinct around 145 million years ago, about 50 million years before the Tyrannosaurus Rex lived. Plus, there aren’t any archeological records so far of a clash between a T-Rex-like theropod and a Brontosaurus-like sauropod. Unless that’s ever unearthed, this battle may just remain one for the action figure colosseum.

Dinosaur Facts for Kids

Got dinosaur questions? We’ve got dinosaur answers!

  • About 165 million years.

  • It took about 30,000 years for life to flourish again after the asteroid impact.

  • Besides birds, the triceratops survived the longest of any dinosaur, as far as the fossil record shows.

  • Despite the imaginings of Jurassic Park, it's very unlikely that any dinosaur DNA has survived to the modern day, and none has been found so far. So unfortunately, re-creating dinosaurs is probably out of reach.

  • Scientists estimate it was 10-15 kilometers long - almost as big as the island of Manhattan.

  • Scientists estimate the asteroid was traveling at 12 miles per second - about 24 times faster than a bullet.

More Answers to Dinosaur Questions from Kids

Did any dinosaurs survive? What came before the dinosaurs? The Tappity Paleontology Library has interactive lessons with answers to those questions and more!

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