Course Schedule

Course Description

In this course, students will embark on an adventure around the world to discover a mysterious animal that is rumored to be a dragon! Along the way, they will need to learn and apply the most important second-grade math skills. This course is structured such that students are encouraged to take the same class multiple times and ask questions until they have learned the skills needed for the next class in the course. Each class covers a significant portion of second-grade math, so take your time. Most kids will complete this course in 4-12 weeks.

Why This Course Is Important

Second-grade math bridges the gap between the early numeracy skills used in first grade with higher-level skills like multiplication and division. By framing multiplication and division as repeated addition and subtraction, students make connections between several operators and their inverse relationships. These foundational skills are critical for building confidence and enabling success for years to come.

What To Bring To Class

All that’s needed in class is the printed-out printable corresponding with the class and a pencil. You can find the printable on this page within the specific class information or into the left under “Documents”.

Skills Covered

In the 2nd-grade math course, students master double-digit addition and subtraction, explore place value in the hundreds, and compare three-digit numbers. They confidently skip count by 3s and 5s and build the foundations for multiplication and division. Through engaging activities, they solve multi-step problems, use addition and subtraction to solve up to 100, and develop an understanding of multiplication and division through repeated addition and subtraction. This course fosters essential mathematical skills and problem-solving abilities, setting the stage for further learning.

  • Students master addition and subtraction up to 20, developing fluency with single-digit and double-digit numbers.

  • Students explore place value in three-digit numbers, understanding the role of each digit.

  • Students learn to compare three-digit numbers, identifying relationships between them using comparison symbols.

  • Students practice skip counting by 3s and 5s, enhancing number sense and multiplication readiness.

  • This section introduces students to the fundamental concepts of multiplication and division.

  • Students tackle multi-step problems, honing problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities.

  • Students apply addition and subtraction to solve problems with numbers up to 100.

  • Building upon previous skills, students engage in advanced skip counting.

  • Students explore multiplication and division concepts through repeated addition and subtraction.

Meet The Instructor

Meet Soleil, a multi-talented teacher with Emergent Digital Practices and Writing degrees complemented by a master's degree in Learning, Developmental, and Family Sciences. With 5+ years of experience developing curricula and new teaching techniques, she brings innovation and creativity to teaching subjects like math, coding, and science. As a professional performer, her acting skills add a lively dimension to her classes. With Soleil, your child is set to discover, create, and be inspired!

Course Structure & Booking

This course is structured so that the three narrative adventure classes introduce key concepts and spark kids’ math curiosity when they see 2nd-grade math used in a fun mission. Students take the Workshop Classes 5-10 times to dive deeper into the concepts and ultimately master 2nd-grade math. We recommend sprinkling in workshop classes between the narrative classes and tracking your progress in the Course Progress Tracker Printable.


Classes In This Course


Second-Grade Math Class 1

In this class students begin their 2nd grade math journey as they collect mystery animal clues!  

Skills Covered:

→ Add/subtract up to 20 → Intro to place value of 100s → Compare 3-digit numbers → Skip counting by 3s & 5s. → Build foundations for multiplication & division → Multi-step problems


Second-Grade Math Class 2

In this class, students continue their 2nd-grade math journey by building a boat and setting sail! 

Skills Covered:

→ Use x to add/subtract up to 100 → Advanced skip counting → Use repeated addition/subtraction to introduce multiplication/division → Multi-step problem solving


Second-Grade Math Class 3

In this class, students complete their 2nd grade math journey and discover the mystery animal! 

Skills Covered:

→ Add up to 4 numbers of 1 or 2 digits → Follow an adding or subtracting pattern → Use repeated addition/subtraction 


2nd-Grade Math Workshop

This 2nd-Grade Math Workshop Class creates an energetic learning space where students can delve into and master all 2nd-grade math standards. It promotes a mix of student-driven and teacher-guided education, providing opportunities for students to raise questions, work through problems with provided printouts, and collaborate with their teammates. Students are encouraged to participate in this workshop 5-10 times to complete the 2nd-Grade Math Course.

Skills Covered:

All 2nd-Grade Math standards.

Course Pricing & Packages


Have questions? Hit the chat button in the bottom right corner and ask away!

Schedule This Course

Below are the class times for each class in this course. Schedule all/part of the course ahead of time or schedule it on the fly.