Course Schedule

Time To Complete

Typically completed in 6 weeks.


Course Tracker Printable

Course Description

In this course, students in 1st-3rd grade will embark on a journey to explore the fascinating world of animals. They will learn about different animal species from around the world and the science behind their behavior, habitat, and adaptations. The course combines interactive lessons, hands-on activities, and virtual field trips.

Why Take This Course

This course teaches kids about the diversity of the animal kingdom, scientific concepts, and empathy for other living things and fosters creativity and critical thinking skills. It helps children develop a well-rounded education encompassing scientific knowledge and appreciation for the natural world.

Skills & Next Generation Science Standards Covered

  • The Next Generation Science Standards are the most well-developed science standards for K-12 globally. They aren’t perfect (no one-size-fits-all standards are), but they are a great starting point. We combine these standards with what children are curious about, current world events, and practical skills to provide a well-rounded science curriculum that prepares children for anything they might want to pursue. Below is a description of the academic standards we use as a starting point for this course.

  • Make observations of plants and animals to compare the diversity of life in different habitats.

  • Construct an argument with evidence that in a particular habitat, some organisms can survive well, some survive less well, and some cannot survive at all.

  • Construct an argument that plants and animals have internal and external structures that function to support survival, growth, behavior, and reproduction.

Meet the Instructor

Sarah is the founder of Edzoocating and has extensive experience educating at institutions and in the wild. She has taught kids at the Phoenix Zoo, SeaLife Airona Aquarium, and in city parks. In addition to having an out-of-this-world understanding of plants and animals, Sarah has a passion for inspiring a love and curiousity for nature in everyone she meets.

Course Structure & Booking

Students can take this course in any order! Just ensure you complete every class and its corresponding printable to finish the course. Don't forget to put your badge on the course tracking printable to keep track of your progress!


Classes in this course


NGSS Standards covered

→ 1-LS3-1 Heredity

→ 3-LS2-1 Ecosystems

→ 2-LS4-1

NGSS Standards covered

→ 3-LS3-1

→ 2-LS4-1


NGSS Standards covered

→ 3-LS3-2

→ 3-LS4-3

NGSS Standards covered

→ 3-LS1-1

→ 3-LS4-2 

→ 3-LS4-3


NGSS Standards covered

→ 3-LS3-1

→ 3-LS4-3

NGSS Standards covered

→ 4-LS1-2 

→ 3-LS4-3

Course Pricing & Packages


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Schedule This Course

Below are the class times for each class in this course. Schedule all/part of the course ahead of time or schedule it on the fly.