Course Schedule

Time to Complete

Typically completed in 4 weeks.

Course Description

Embark on an exciting journey of movement and imagination with our Kids' Yoga Adventure! This dynamic course combines yoga, storytelling, and creative play to enhance flexibility, mindfulness, and social skills in a joyful and supportive setting. Our experienced yoga instructor will lead your child through a variety of themed classes that transport them to different magical worlds – from exploring the depths of the ocean to soaring through the cosmos. Join us in cultivating a love for wellness, creativity, and positive habits in your child through the enchanting world of yoga! No prior experience required.

Skills Covered

  • Kids learn various yoga poses that enhance flexibility, balance, coordination, and strength. These poses help improve their overall physical fitness and encourage healthy movement patterns.

  • Children practice mindfulness and deep breathing techniques, which aid in relaxation, stress reduction, and emotional regulation. Mindfulness also promotes focus and concentration.

  • Yoga helps kids develop a strong sense of body awareness, understanding how their bodies move and function. This awareness is essential for maintaining proper posture and preventing injury.

  • Yoga classes often incorporate storytelling, imaginative play, and themed activities. This nurtures creativity and allows children to explore their imaginations while engaging in physical activity.

  • As kids master yoga poses and improve their physical abilities, their self-esteem and confidence naturally grow. Achieving poses and meeting personal goals can boost their sense of accomplishment.

  • Through mindfulness practices and relaxation techniques, kids learn how to manage their emotions, handle stress, and develop a greater sense of emotional well-being.

  • Yoga requires concentration to move through poses and sequences. This helps kids enhance their focus, attention span, and the ability to concentrate on tasks.

  • Breathing exercises are an integral part of yoga. Teaching kids proper breathing techniques can have a positive impact on their energy levels, anxiety reduction, and overall well-being.

Course Structure & Booking

The course is structured so that young learners may attend these classes in any order, and as many times as they wish. Each class will change based on the students in attendance.


Classes In This Course


Space Yoga for Kids

Through cosmic-themed yoga poses and imaginative activities, kids will stretch, balance, and explore the galaxies while nurturing their bodies and minds. Join us to spark a fascination with space, cultivate physical wellness, and promote teamwork in an atmosphere of playful learning. No space gear needed – just a sense of wonder and a readiness to journey through the cosmos on the yoga mat!


Jungle Yoga for Kids

In this immersive class, young adventurers will unleash their inner animals through playful yoga poses inspired by the jungle's creatures. They'll swing like monkeys, stretch like snakes, and explore the wilderness through engaging stories and activities, all while fostering flexibility, mindfulness, and teamwork. Join us for a wild yoga adventure that brings the jungle to life right on the mat!


Snow Yoga for Kids

In this imaginative class, kids will enjoy yoga poses inspired by snowflakes, snowmen, and winter activities, all while developing balance, flexibility, and body awareness. Through interactive storytelling and mindfulness exercises, they'll immerse themselves in the serenity of the season. Join us for a joyful exploration of snow-themed yoga that embraces the wonders of winter in a playful and enriching way!


Coral Reef Yoga for Kids

Through imaginative yoga poses inspired by underwater life, children will embody the grace of dolphins, the curiosity of seahorses, and more, fostering flexibility and body awareness. Interactive storytelling will transport them to vibrant coral reefs, while mindfulness exercises will create a serene underwater experience. Join us for an oceanic yoga journey that combines fitness and fascination!

Course Pricing & Packages


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Schedule This Course

Below are the class times for each class in this course. Schedule all/part of the course ahead of time or schedule it on the fly.